Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blog Assignment #3

A Vision of Students Today

This video really hits close to home. School has become something that is demanded by society. Jobs that used to require a Bachelor Degree now requires a Masters Degree. There is so much pressure put on students. Many people do not realize it. Students are going to school in order to get jobs, yet when they graduate many will not be able to find one. I spend little time on Facebook or watching TV. My life is dedicated to work and school. The weekends are when I let go of school a little and try to enjoy my life while I am still young.

The best part about this video was the sign that said I did not create these problems, but they are my problems. This is so true in the world today. It is not our fault that the economy is the way it is. It is also not our fault that when we graduate from college we will be in thousands of dollars worth of debt.

It's not about the Technology

I agree with Ms. Hines completely on this argument. Technology is a great thing, but it is not the most important. Technology is a very powerful and resourceful tool, but only in the right hands. Technology is only as useful as the knowledge of the user. Teachers must be motivated to continue learning about the world around them. Learning never stops. There is always room for improvement. The world around us is changing, and we all must be motivated to learn new things.

Is it Okay to be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

I do not believe that it is okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher. I love this post because many teachers (and people in general) are, indeed, very proud of their ignorance. They act as if it is cute. I will admit I am not the most advances in technology, but I do try. I love that I have to take this class. I have learned so much so far. The best statement thus far is,"If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write.". It is so true. Technology is advancing so much, and I believe that teachers should be able to do it if they assign it, like the blog said. So many assignments are online now days. If you have a question, don't got to the teacher. I would bet you that over half of the teachers would have no clue how to help you. Anytime I asked I got the reply of, "Well, you will need to email tech help". Many times it was something that they had done wrong when registering the class.

Social Media Count

This is absolutely amazing to watch. You know that a lot of people use technology, but this just makes you see just how many. Technology has come so far in such a short amount of time. Some people try so hard to keep up with it. The fact of the matter is, you would have to have millions and millions of dollars to keep up. I got my computer in the spring of 2007 and by the time I got to college in the fall of 2007 it was already outdated. I had to buy a new program to download.

I believe that as a teacher you have the power to allow technology to affect your classroom in a positive manner or a negative manner. With technology, you literally hold the world in your hands. You can get ideas from other teachers all over the world. It is also a great tool for your students. It's a great opportunity for them too learn about other cultures other than the culture of their local area.


  1. I think your "it's not my fault" choices are interesting. Knowing that we didn't create these problems, but they are indeed ours... what are you going to do about it? Beyond finances, what other problems are bigger than us? How will we teach our students to cope with them and seek solution oriented strategies?

    This is the most important part of your entire response in my opinion: " The world around us is changing, and we all must be motivated to learn new things."

    Good work,


  2. I agree with a lot of what you have said. I especially agree with you on Ms. Hine's post. I think technology is a wonderful thing if it's in the right hands. A less than willing teacher with all the technology in the world is still a teacher who is less than willing to properly educate students. I think a good teacher with no use of technology is still better than a bad teacher with all the technology available. We do need to be teachers who are willing to keep learning, so we can go in front of our students knowing that we are doing everything we can to help them succeed in life.
