Sunday, September 12, 2010

Teacher Summary

Ms. Kim Cofino is starting the school year at a new school and in a new country. She is currently located in Japan. She is a technology and learning coach. She has been trying to get settled into her new apartment as well as get ready for the new school year. She knows that you should feel comfortable and safe in your home and work life. She commits herself to to being committed and and there for her students and co-workers. She knows that people are more willing to try new things if they feel like they can trust you.

Ms. Cofino gets to teacch the 6th grade at her new school. There was no prior curriculum at her school so she gets to start brand new. She is a very innovative woman with many great ideas. She has broken it up into four different parts.

Part one is to Investigate. In this stage she gets her students to look at other popular and well put together blogs. She does this in order for them to get an idea of what they are doing. She then introduced the students to Google Docs. The students then began brainstorming on their own blogging ideas. They then begin exploring WordPress. Finally they reflect on what they've learned.

Part two is the planning part. This part requires the students to design different things she assigns. One of which is a site map. Before moving on they will reflect on what they have learned.

Part three is creating their blog. She requires her students to sign a permission slip before actually crating their blog. This is a very good idea for many different reasons. This is the shortest part for her class because they have done all of their prep work already. Before moving on they will, again, reflect.

The last part of the steps is part four:Evaluate. This part allows her to examine the success of their blogs.

I think that she has wonderful ideas so far. She is very organized. She also has a passion for what she does, and I respect that very much. She is giving these students the opportunity to learn responsible technology skills that they can carry with them for the rest of their life.

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